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Initial Sketches
I tried a ball and socket method for the head. A polystyrene ball sits in plastic basket and held in place with a band across the forehead
I used pieces of laser-cut mdf (from an old project) to create point which the armature is solid. A bolt and K&S tube hold the twisted wire through the centre of the puppet.

Foam & Fabric Skinning
Layers of soft and tougher foam used to shape out the character.
I repeatedly re-pinned the fabric to get the best movement across the cats features. I also had to make sure it was connected to the armature in specific places to move with the body but not restrict it
I used resin cast eyes, wire whiskers and a pink nose to add the expressive characteristics.
I deliberately chose the base fabric to be blue to contact the ginger colours I painted on top. The acrylic paint highlighted the texture of the puppet and I applied colours to emphasise stripes. Finally, a few additional pieces of fabric applied on top not flatten the surface.
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